Bruxism is an expression denoting over-pressing and grinding of teeth. It is most common at night, although it can also appear in the day if the person is tense, stressed or anxious. There are numerous consequenses of bruxism. The teeth get worn out and flatenned, sometimes even to the roots. Fillings and prosthetic works get damaged and the gums suffer chronical changes.  The reduced tooth hight… can affect the jaw joint due to the increased pressure. Jaw muscles are often tense and painful. This can lead to headaches and pain in the jaw joint.

The causes of bruxism can be various. They are prmarily of psychological etimology – chronical stress and anxiety, but can also include increased consuption of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, heredity or insufficient intake of  Mg which is necessary for muscle and nerve function.

Treatment: teeth remediation, set adequate prosthetic works, reduce consumption of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. Apply the protocols for reducing stress.

The teeth need to be protected by a special dental shield. The shield is made according to the mold made of a transparent material 2 mm thick. It is applied only at night, it is easy to adjust to and it doesn`t affect the patient`s sleep. Even when patients still grind the teeth, the shield protect the teeth from being damaged. If the teeth are too sensitive, sensitivity reducing paste can be applied in the shield.